Make Creative Genius

Squeeze your brain and get your creative genius flowing!

Time to read: 58 seconds

Purpose: To concentrate your power


1. Stand in front of a large mirror at a time when you
will not be disturbed by anyone else.

2. Breathe and relax as you begin to stare at yourself
in the mirror.

3. Gaze into your eyes and allow your mind to become
quieter. Let all judgments about yourself fall away.

4. Just concentrate on your eyes.

5. Don't freak out if the face you are looking at starts
to change and morph into other faces. Some people say this is you seeing your face from other lifetimes. Some think that you could be getting psychic impressions.

Others just think it's just something that the mind does rather like seeing patterns or faces in clouds. Be curious and just observe.

6. Watch the movements of your thoughts and compare
with the stillness of that YOU in the mirror. If you like, you can repeat an affirmation like, "I am powerful" or "Peace, be still, and know that I am God."

7. Notice how powerful you would be if you could just
BE, like that mirror self, so silent, present and still.

8. Allow that sense of power and stillness to resonate deep
within you. That mirror self is YOU, the real you, not the distorted self-image created by your thinking.


You are powerful beyond measure. Your consciousness
is vast. You have the slimmest idea of how huge your potential is. It is much, much bigger than you have even dreamed.... But you don't live like that. Instead, you live shackled in some bonsai'd, distorted self-image.

Use this exercise to feel your true power. Sense the power
of your mind, of your awareness and presence. Look in the mirror and observe your power.

Look in the mirror and accept yourself fully and completely.


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